Underwatch - Underground in the Grey

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is Serious Gaming?

    It centers around a serious thematic and narrative, and oftentimes, it blends education and entertainment (i.e., "edutainment").

  • What is Underwatch®?

    It centers upon keeping an eye on the critical infrastructure underpinning communities, cities, and nations. However, in many cases, there is forgotten infrastructure that is re-discovered.

  • Is Underwatch® based on reality?

    Certain scenes are inspired by real-life scenarios, and one particular quotation by Mark Twain is especially appropriate: sometimes "truth is stranger than fiction."

  • Why is the Underwatch® game about controlling drone swarms?

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV)/Unmanned Maritime Vehicles (UMV) play a large part in the Underwatch® narrative. Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this area. In the interim, please note that Underwatch® Drones is a game where you must manage a swarm of drones without letting them collide; you have the ability to accelerate a flight of drones, via the drone flight leader. On a laptop/desktop, you can click on the drone flight leader, and on a mobile device, you can simply tap on the drone flight leader to accelerate the drone flight (i.e., the swarm of drones). This skill will be needed for the next installment. Good luck!

  • Do the Underwatch®-related soundtracks help to explain things?

    Some of our fans find the lyrics of the Underwatch®-related soundtracks helpful in contextualizing matters.

Underwatch - Underground in the Grey

Some Scenes...
